This blog was never really intended to inform anyone on anything of monumental significance. If you are looking for me to list pros and cons of different birth interventions, etc. ad nauseum, it's probably not going to happen in the near future. That's not because I think you guys don't care about those things, because obviously you do or you wouldn't be looking at doula websites. However, I simply don't see the need to re-invent the wheel. Five minutes on the Internet will likely net you (yes, "net" you) oodles of sources for the information you're looking for--written waaaaay better than I could.
I write to sometimes to let you know of things happening in my business, but mostly I write to write. The things I talk about don't always encompass birth or doula issues, obviously, though I make a concerted effort to do that here as much as possible. Mostly, this is my outlet and a way to let you get to know me a little bit better if you haven't already met me.
Do I always say the right thing? Ha. Absolutely not. But I hope you'll take what I (or anyone) say with a grain of salt, knowing that I mean well even if my tone of voice says otherwise.
As you were.