Maybe I'm a sap, deep down inside. It's always been this way. Sometimes it is embarrassing, but usually I think it's one of my better traits. As cynical and sarcastic as I might seem, people do matter to me. Odds are, you're one of the people who matter. And I hope that, even just a little, I have mattered to you.
~ Putting on gloves to make sure my best friend's baby doesn't fall on the floor.
~ Is it Mardi Gras?
~ Benchpressing three women and still not hitting the spot, except when it comes to pocket-dialing 9-1-1.
~ Can I get you a glass of water?
~ Peach tea--I don't drink tea, but you can try to convert me!--and, please, punch me in the stomach as soon as that contraction ends.
~ That was not a firm, warm hug. What a load of....
~ Uhhhh, are you anywhere near a hospital?
~ I'm sorry, Jen. You're just not strong enough. Go get him from the lobby. [reuniting a banished husband with a mom who needed every ounce of his strength. To date, one of the most beautiful and exhausting experiences I've ever had]
~You're doing wonderfully. Say hello to my lactation consultant friend.
~ Here, honey. I just Googled this labor position.
~ Come sit down next to me... and... it's okay your water broke. These weren't my good Crocs.
~ Blissful immediate skin-to-skin bonding instead of hours of isolation [true for several of my families]. Happy sigh! My work here is done.
~ You've never met this woman before? Nope. Nice to meet you. Did you want the vitamin K shot?
~ This is the spreadsheet I want you to fill out. Do you have a finance degree, by any chance? No? Well.... Good luck.
~ The epitome of the perfect Bradley method family. I wish I had a magic wand.
~ A family that became like my own. Sorry about your sweater.
~ Kids, you're up just in time to meet your new brother.
~ Let your body move in whatever way it needs to.
~ I'm sorry I ate all of your hummus and you can see my sister's bra. I made you this cute hat(?).... scarf.
~ The Jewish community places high value on sarcasm. [Now I understand why I function so well within the Jewish community.]
~ Now that I've found you, I may never leave. Stupid GPS.
~ Sweet Virginia, and an even-sweeter family.
~ Happy anniversary to you. It's not often I get invited to a romantic dinner for five.
~ Baby Moe. Oh.... Baby Moe.
~ I recognize the toddler in the visitor lounge. That can't be good....
~ Sifting a baby right out. Mimosas and chocolate chip pancakes for all!
~ Advocating so well for yourself that you nearly shoot the eyebrows off of your Ghandi-like midwife.
~ Like a Boss.
~ Eating Snickerdoodle bars with your husband even though you are fasting. I'm glad you are my friend and will forgive me when all is said and done. <3
~ They keep telling me my baby is smart, and yet she wants to stay breech. Is she smart or isn't she? (It turns out, she was smart and so were they). Oversharers = my peeps.
~Fist-bump between pushes.... and ice cream and chocolate sauce solves everything.
~ You were never broken. (And I greatly appreciate anyone who giggles at a good "balls" joke.)
~ Seven diapers in one hour is no joke.
~ You did Fantasti*con.... and I'm not just saying that to be creepy. :-)
There are more moments than time and words to share, but I add to this rich mosaic one piece at a time. It may be nonsense or silly to you, but to me, it is the reason I do what I do. It is why I return the e-mails, make the calls, drive the miles, sip the lattes, and wedge myself into impossible pretzels in the corner of that birthing room. Because I meet and fall in love with hopeful people all the time.