Got a call last night that surely meant I'd be going into work in the wee hours of the a.m., so I sent a message to my babysitter (as to not wake the rest of her family) and got her set up to come over at 7 a.m. when my husband had to leave for work.
At 7 a.m., I was still here, and my sitter rolled up. I opted to have her stay for a little bit while I slept some more and figured out what was going on with the midwife's laboring mama. When it seemed I had a little time to kill, I took advantage of having a babysitter and went to ride my horse. I also took my son for a therapeutic ride on my horse, too (the horses are very calming to many kids with special needs. Seeeeee! There IS a reason I have had horses all these years!). The midwife let me know that I wouldn't be needed for the birth, after all was said and done, but that she had another person in early labor. So, there I sat, eye to eye with my babysitter.... not quite sure whether to keep her or to let her stay and keep the dollar signs cha-chinging in her eyeballs. I finally made the decision to send her home, knowing fully well I'd probably have to call her back as soon as she got back to her house.
It's been six hours, and no one has called me yet, but my luck could change at any moment......