If you weren't aware, you can view my Dream a Little Dream Doula Services Facebook Page or my Arbonne Facebook Page without having a Facebook account. All that more fantastic if you DO have a Facebook account.... You can "like" my pages and I would be eternally grateful.
I do try to be active on each of my Facebook pages every day, as my schedule allows. I post lots of informative or amusing articles and videos on my doula Facebook page, especially, so if that interests you--check it out. I tend not to post those here just because this website doesn't lend itself to that kind of thing so easily.
As far as my Twitter profile, I am really not so great at it (and I tend to not have too many thought-provoking things to say very often), but it is a way to see me in a more conversational way, I guess, as I tweet back and forth with friends and colleagues. I am on there most often to have "doula parties" with doulas around the globe, so that's kind of fun for me....
Alright, enough of the geekiness for this morning. I fell asleep sitting up with the laptop on my lap at some point and woke up at 2:30 a.m. to infomercials, a fuzzy mouth, and a strong desire to start a load of laundry after having been gone all day. Now that all of that randomness is out of my system, I think it is time to try to drift back to sleep. Goo