I have been busy. Really busy. And I've been steadily gone for the past week, bringing home the bacon and all of that. That's good for our family--really good for our family, because we really like living in our house and eating food! However, Mr. Mom is apparently not a concept the husband is embracing just yet. I wish I could, without shame, show you what the house looks like at this very moment. Actually, I probably will go take pictures just to prove a point before I hike up my sleeves and dive into the archaelogical dig that is going to be de-man-caving my house... Will you get to see those? Not likely.
If it didn't suck the essence of life out of me every time I stepped in the door, and if I wasn't worried about my babysitter getting tetanus when she comes over next, I'd be tempted to leave it as some kind of science experiment. I can see it now: "If you look very closely, you'll see one of the native creatures has popped his head ever so slightly above that mound of dirty laundry over there... Uh-oh, I think he is looking for his next meal and has caught our scent..." Take that, National Geographic!
I just can't leave the mess, though, which feels like the men have won some sort of game I wasn't aware we were playing. Sigh. I'm not pregnant, and this place makes me conversely want to nest until I collapse from sheer exhaustion or light a match while some heavy metal ballad plays as I walk away.
I totally get that my husband is not a cleaner. Take one look at his garage and you'll know even if you know nothing else about him. But maybe he needs to learn to be that kind of person--at least a little bit more. So, ladies and gents.... My question to you is, how do you encourage your partner to clean up when you're away? Besides the tried-and-true screaming match, that is. I would really, really love some ideas because this seems to be the one thing that is an issue with our current "arrangement".
PS - Guess who I found tinkering around in the garage when I rolled in at 11 p.m. last night? That's right....